25 Apr 2006


Well, just checked the ole blog and I'm rather disappointed to see that it put the date I started the post rather than the date I actually posted it on, so... oh well, I guess the whole date+1 blog posting regime was far too advanced for its time. I shall post this on the 22nd of April anyway... if I can remember to anyway.

So, I went and witnessed Ross Noble live last night, and it was fantastic. Whilst he didn't see me as I were halfway up the seating, he commented that I had a laugh like an evil genius, which was pretty awesome. It's just great the way he incorporates local stuff into his show. My girlfriend and I went out to dinner before hand, and when we were heading in to find some parking, it's handy that where she works had a free spot that was pretty close by the theatre, anyway, there was like a massive gathering of biker gang members when we were walking to the theatre, maybe from 100 to 200 of them, and he asked if there were any gang members in the audience. There weren't. In short, find out when he's coming to a theatre near you and GO SEE HIM! I laughed so hard my face was hurting and my throat was hoarse.

Wow. I guess my whole foiled post has been foiled a second time, as I've just discovered that I can change the time and date of the post. So... hoorah!

Just discovered this whilst following a link from Penny Arcade: Napoleon Dynamite animated series concept!

I've not mentioned my fondness for Napoleon Dynamite on the magically massive forum known as the internets... but it made a big impression on me. I'm a massive fan of randomness and just simple things like that. If you've not seen it, then you should at least watch it once and at least have an open mind about it since upon watching and when you finish watching, you'll most likely be "What the heck was that about?" or something... unless you just sit back, watch and laugh.

Well, I just went and started re-reading through a comic I created a few years ago and stopped working on shortly after starting. It brought back zero memories, but I thought I'd post a link to it here for more exposure as it has a total reader base of zero. So posting here, which also has a reader base of zero probably doesn't do much good... just like multiplying infinity by zero. Huzzah!

I'm contemplating just updating the blog on a whenever-the-hell-I-feel-like-it basis rather than just one a month, like every other blog on the planet... though this would ultimately lead to numerous posts of "Yep, nothing to report." or something like that... or it might give people more reason to come back.

Another idea is to ditch monthly and go weekly.

Another idea is to ditch blogging altogether... though I'm getting quite fond of this little hole that I've only just started to plant things in and liberate with watery goodness. I'll see what happens. Tomorrow I have a job interview! It's actually the second round of interviews that I got to by attending a previous interview. Being that this will be my second real interview ever, I'm kind of nervous as I'd like to plan what I'm going to say, but I'm terrible at planning ahead and prefer to just fly by the seat of my pants even though by doing that I get more nervous and kinda-plan things, so when I say whatever it is I kinda-planned... it comes out broken and not so good, it'll invariably happen anyway, so whatever happens is God's will I guess, either way it'll be a growing experience, good or bad.

Well damn. Firefox went and crashed on me and I lost quite a bit of typing, which is really, REALLY annoying. I had links and everything. 'twas about the australian yearly comedy gala, but now that it's gone, I'm going to re-type it later I guess.

One thing that got wiped that I will type again is that I missed blog publish day this month, so I've decided to ditch blog publish day and post whenever.

Now my blog is not publishing HOORAY. If it doesn't work then it's likely you'll not see any of this, but it's irritating... so I thought I'd write some more before trying again.

But I don't have much else to say other than the interview I went for was ok. The three managers that interviewed the group seemed like nice people. We really only got asked two questions, What's your name and why did you apply for the job... so maybe there's a 3rd interview to be had, I'm not sure... just playing the waiting game until I hear back for them.

Well, I couldn't post when I wanted to. So, foiled again by blogger! But it means I got some sleep in and I'm ready to continue typing. This may or may not cause you to worry joyfully.

So, two nights ago I caught the tail end of an annual event on Australian television called the comedy gala. I used to look forward to such TV, but after watching last night, it was pretty poor viewing. A group called Spymonkey... I was interested to see them in action and the interest is now non-existant. They surely were random, but funny ... 4 people prancing about naked isn't exactly what amuses me in the slightest, no wit or comedic timing on their part, several thumbs down. On the upside, they had Dylan Moran!

I like his style a lot, I don't really know why, but it's just interesting to watch him. He's also fortunate to be blessed with an Irish accent... they could be reading the paper and sound hilarious.

Also, whilst searching through Google for Dylan Moran links, I discovered that at the Chortle site, they have a comedian in their list called Mike Landers. Unfortunately, his last name is different to mine by one letter. Fortunately, I'd rather not be associated with him since, from what I read, he doesn't seem to be all that good at the funny business. So while having the last name Lander is good because I'm not associated with him, the down side is that when telling people my name, invariably they add the s in on their own. I don't intend to mumble when I talk, maybe I do, I can't really tell.

Just read this article. It mentions that the lady was disturbing the dead mans peace... which seems a bit odd, since you can't disturb them no matter how hard you try!

Anyway, I'm going to try posting again, if it works... hooray.

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